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Colors & finishes

Colorful buildings

Our tailor-made solutions and considerations for aesthetics will improve your harmony and quality of life. 

What drives the needs for specific colors or finishes? 

Many possible drivers:

  • Society trends. Example: rising wish for balanced lives between work and personal life means more time spent at home, for leisure, and modified needs inside homes. Same goes for development of home-office work. 

  • Local regulations. Example: requirements in some cities on color, shape, texture or shades for the building facade, to maintain a tradition or as climate strategy.

  • Likes and dislikes of the architect and owner

  • Architectural trends

How do we act?

  • Glass rendering service: GlassPro

  • Tinting station for facade

  • Renders with texture, design or cool-down pigments

  • Design and color grouts

  • Paints