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Reduced amount of non-valorized construction & demolition waste

Waste sorting

The construction sector is a major contributor to solid waste in the world. To reduce it, sorting and collecting waste on contruction sites is key, to improve reuse or recycling of materials.

Did you know?


Share of the construction sector in worldwide solid waste streams


billion tonnes of construction waste generated every year by 2025


How to handle C&D waste?

  • C&D waste is one of the largest waste streams in the world. Majority of this waste is inert: easy to divert from landfill

  • Today: recycling of construction waste is quite developed, but reuse or upcycling of components in building projects still rather immature

How to implement it in building design? 

  • Design for disassembly: ensure building components can be removed without damaging the component itself nor the rest of the building. Components can be reused or recycled.

  • Major barriers: disconnection between design stage and end-of-life stage (several decades) & traceability of raw materials, especially hazardous substances

Relating the EU waste hierarchy to construction and demolition activities
European Commission, Level(s) indicator 2.2


How do we act? 

Our available solutions and services:

  • Bespoke & customized size delivery

  • Recyclable materials

  • Recycling services & waste collection

  • Easy-to-dismantle material to sort and divert from landfill